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From Parkway Northbound - Go to Exit 138 (Kenilworth, Elizabeth), make right off exit.
Go 1.1 miles to 5th traffic light (Lehigh Ave.), make left.
Go .8 miles to Ryan Headquarters on right.
From Parkway Southbound - Go to Exit 138 (Kenilworth, Roselle Park), make right off exit.
Go 1.2 miles to 6th traffic light (Lehigh Ave.), make left.
Go .8 miles to Ryan Headquarters on right.
From Turnpike Northbound - Go to Exit 11 (Garden State Parkway), bear right off exit.
Go to Exit 138 (Kenilworth, Roselle Park), bear right off exit.
Go 1.1 miles to 5th traffic light (Lehigh Ave.), make left.
Go .8 miles to Ryan Headquarters on right.
From Turnpike Southbound - Go to Exit 14 (Newark Airport), get on Route 78, Local.
Go 5.5 miles to Garden State Parkway
Go to Exit 138 (Kenilworth, Elizabeth), make right off exit.
Go 1.2 miles to 6th traffic light (Lehigh Ave.), make left.
Go .8 miles to Ryan Headquarters on right.
From Rt. 22 Eastbound - Go to McDonald’s in Union (Michigan Ave.), make right.
Go to 1st light (Boulevard/Galloping Hill Rd), make left.
Go 1.6 miles to 8th traffic light (Lehigh Ave.), make left.
Go .8 miles to Ryan Headquarters on right.
Go to East 82 (Morris Ave.), Elizabeth Exit, bear right off exit.
Go 1.3 miles to Jiffy Lube on right (5 traffic lights), make right.
Go .6 miles to Ryan Headquarters on left.
From Rt. 22 Westbound - Go to the East 82 (Morris Ave.), Elizabeth Exit, bear right.
Go to 1st stop sign at Morris Ave., make right.
Go 1.5 miles to Jiffy Lube on right (5 traffic lights), make right.
Go .6 miles to Ryan Headquarters on left.
From Route 1 Northbound - Go to North Ave., make left (by bearing right onto jughandle).
Go 1.8 miles to Morris Ave, make right.
Go 1.0 mile to Jiffy Lube on left, make left.
Go .6 miles to Ryan Headquarters on left.
From Route 1 Southbound - Stay in Route 1-9 local lanes.
Go to North Ave., make right.
Go 1.8 miles to Morris Ave, make right.
Go 1.0 mile to Jiffy Lube on left, make left.
Go .6 miles to Ryan Headquarters on left.
From Morris Ave. Eastbound - Go to Union Jiffy Lube on right, make right.
Go .6 miles to Ryan Headquarters on left.
From Morris Ave. Westbound - Go to Union Jiffy Lube on left, make left.
Go .6 miles to Ryan Headquarters on left.
From Westfield Ave Eastbound - Go to Galloping Hill Road, make left.
Go .9 miles to 2nd light (Lehigh Ave.), make right.
Go .8 miles to Ryan Headquarters on right.